HomeLife Benchmark Realty Corp.

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HomeLife Benchmark Realty Corp.'s blog

Real Estate Q&A: Can I Choose Who to Sell My House To?

Having too many buyers interested in your home can be both a blessing and a curse. On the one hand, itis great to know you have options. On the other hand, you now have to choose between potential buyers. If you have multiple buyers in mind, this decision can become quite complex rather quickly.

The question then arises, Can I choose who to sell my house to?

Real Estate Q&A: "Who Should I Get to Sell My House?"

Finding the right real estate agent to help you sell your home is no easy task.

Real Estate Q&A: "Where Can I Sell My House Fast?"

Life happens and sometimes you find yourself asking, “Where can I sell my house fast?”
If this is the case for you, you’ve come to the right place. Selling a home doesn’t have to be hard if you choose the right realtor to help you sell it.

Time to Start Saving Winter Coats, Blankets, Towels and Footwear for the Realtors Care 2017 Blanket Drive

It's that time of year again! Every year, Lower Mainland REALTORS organize a Blanket Drive to collect warm clothing to help people in need stave off winter cold and wet. Drop your gently used donations off to HomeLife Benchmark @ 152 St / 19 Ave November 14-17 and we will make sure they get to those who need them.



Real Estate Q&A: "What Color Will Sell My House?”

Who knew that our high school art classes would come in handy later in life.

HomeLife Benchmark Loves Families

HomeLife REALTORS® love families.

This great crew of volunteers worked in the Family Fun Zone organizing the Kid’s Race and Kid’s Parade at the 2017 Tour de White Rock. At HomeLife we believe life balance and giving back is important. Throughout the year we endeavor to give back to our community through events which support our business philosophy of community spirit and generosity.

It’s All About the Kids


In spite of record setting rainfall this spring, HomeLife Benchmark Realtors turned out on June 15 in monsoon-like weather raising $42,000 at our 16th Annual Charity Golf Classic in support of Canuck Place.

Real Estate Q&A: "When I Sell My House Do I Pay Tax?"

No one likes to pay tax, but almost every day we pay it on the goods and services we purchase. Still, many homeowners often ask us, “When I sell my house, do I pay tax?”

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